Herb Valley started as a small dream and grew bigger and bigger by day. At Herb Valley Karolina Antoniades focuses on delivering the best possible organic herbs in delightful and creative packages.

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Hypericum (St John’s Wort)


Hypericum is an upright perennial shrub with showy, star-shaped, yellow flowers.

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Hypericum is an upright perennial shrub with showy, star-shaped, yellow flowers. This flowering plant belongs to the family Hypericaceaea and native to the temperate parts of Europe and Asia.

It has antidepressant, antibacterial, antioxidant, sedative, antibiotic and antiviral properties.

Hypericum is extremely effective to soothe nervousness, tiredness, poor appetite, and trouble in sleeping. It is very good for mental health as it helps to lift and regulate your mood.  It has often been used to cure stress, anxiety, mild to moderate depression, insomnia, sores, nausea, fever, sweating.

The taste and smell of Hypericum is quite difficult to ascertain as it can be be slightly sweet, bitter, pungent and astringent while the oiliness of hypericum is slightly aromatic in nature. The taste is also similar to black tea. And if brewed for long it will give you a bright red colored tea.

The content’s weight is 40gr.