Herb Valley started as a small dream and grew bigger and bigger by day. At Herb Valley Karolina Antoniades focuses on delivering the best possible organic herbs in delightful and creative packages.

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Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis)


Rosemary is a bushy, evergreen, perennial shrub with strongly aromatic, needle-like leaves belonging to mint family (Lamiaceae) and native to the Mediterranean region.

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Rosemary is a bushy, evergreen, perennial shrub with strongly aromatic, needle-like leaves belonging to mint family (Lamiaceae) and native to the Mediterranean region.

It has antioxidant, antibiotic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties.

Rosemary is very good in boosting the immune system and improving blood circulation, it can also enhance memory performance and hair growth. It is extremely beneficial for the digestive system, heartburns, intestinal gas, liver detoxification , gallbladder complaints and loss of appetite. Rosemary is also effective in improving mood, clearing the mind, relieving stress, anxiety and reducing joint pain inflammation.

Rosemary has a quite pronounced lemon-pine flavor, yet woodsy and peppery at the same time while the smell is a bit piney and slightly strong but very aromatic.

The content’s weight is 35gr.